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Avery Garretson
Born in Indiana
16 years
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Avery's Angels
Roy Allen

LaKisha January 9, 2013
image Avery Glenn Garretson, I will always cherish the memories we had when we were little. From you and Kyle teaching me to skateboard, riding bikes, playing sports, snowball fights, camping at Heflin's, fishing, you always teasing me about having a huge crush on Kyle, to you and I talking and you showing me videos of you boxing someone in your basement, while we rode on the bus. You sure did know how to make everyone smile. I always thought you would turn out to be a comedian. Well, you still can, Heaven has comedians too! You are loved and mised by so many! Those little dimples of yours are impossible to forget! You will always hold a special spot in my heart, little brother. We may not be related by blood, but we always knew we were family <3 I miss and love you dearly. <3 
Melissa Garretson December 19, 2012
Ryan & Damian
You can gain a friend in a year but lose a friend in a minute. Never take your friends for granted. One day you could wake up and realize, they're gone. You can't help but wonder, What if we never had that one fight, what if I tried harder to be there, What if I didn't leave them to go with someone else. What if I didn't give up on our friendship long ago, maybe just maybe, they would still be her...e. Avery, I know we haven't talked in a while, I know we had some fights, I know things weren't like they use to be between us. But, I still miss you, you were still important to me. I'll never forget the memories we had. I love and miss you man. Rest in peace Avery, you will be missed by a lot of people. You were a good man, I wish I tried harder to keep the friendship we use to have. Rest in peace Avery G. Garretson. We will all miss you.
Melissa Garretson December 19, 2012
Melissa Garretson December 19, 2012
Dakota d
Melissa Garretson December 19, 2012
Melissa Garretson December 19, 2012
Melissa Garretson December 19, 2012
Jonathan & Sarada
Melissa Garretson December 19, 2012
Kyle G
Melissa Garretson December 19, 2012
Melissa Garretson December 19, 2012

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