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Avery Garretson
Né àIndiana
16 years
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Les Mémoires
mike harmon avery love eating January 5, 2013
avery loved eating and talking about his friends when he came to work.he would be singing the whole time he was there.he came in to work one day and ate a bunch of donuts as i was walking out the door i could here him moaning.avery a very special kid.everyone at challenge plastic love him.
Kimberly Morosey Avery Garretson <3 January 4, 2013
       I came home from hanging out with my friends, got on facebook, and saw a RIP Avery Garretson post. I was all like "What? Thats not true?" So, I went to his page and saw tons of them. I was so indenial about it. First thing I did was call Hunter, he told me everything. I dropped my phone, went to my room, sat there and stared at the wall for a few minutes, let out a big scream, and bawled my eyes out for the rest of the night. I couldnt believe what was happening. The next day at school was even worse, I couldnt stop crying. I had to leave atleast once in every single one of my classes for two days. It finally set in that he is gone, and that I will never be able to hug him, or see him again. Avery was the sweetest, most kind man you would ever meet. And I mean that with everything I have. He and I dated for a while, I took him zip lining, and he did a lot for me. Made me feel beautiful, loved, and perfect everyday. Made sure I was always happy. A week later, I broke up with him because he told me he loved me. Ridiculous, I know. I felt like he was moving to fast, and I got scared. Little did I know that he actually did love me by the messages he was sending my sister and all my friends. He hurt himself over me, and not a day goes by that I dont feel bad about it. I feel awful and guilty about it.I regret it so much. We continued to talk here and there as friends...I never thought Avery would actually go this far. I know he would take it back if he could. I wish I knew what he was about to do, or that he was even thinking about it, I wouldve done something about it. Words cant explain the hurt I feel for his family. I hope Melissa knows that he loved you very much. He wanted us to meet so badly, but I was to nervous. He always bragged about you. ALWAYS know that he loved you. I wish there was something I could do to make everybody okay. But I myself, am still not okay. It takes a lot of time. But you have to take it step by step.. But I couldnt imagine being in Melissas place. It hurts so bad losing him as friend, I couldnt imagine losing him as a son. I am so sorry. I wish there was more that I could say. He was so funny. Always made everyon laughed. He got along with everyone. My mom fell in love with him the day they met. He even let me do his makeup and pierce his ear :) All my friends loved him the minute they met. He had GREAT manners. Called everyone sir, or Ma'am. Held doors open for people. He's an amazing person, and I will NEVER forget about him. RIP Avery, watch over me, and every one else, and have fun in heaven. <3
Willy Avery always expressed an interest January 4, 2013
One of my fondest memories of Avery which also meant so much to me. We were working together at the molding facility. He started asking about all the different cost that goes into the price of a molded part. A lid that we sell for a whopping .25 We broke it all down together from the material cost to the freight cost, commision cost, labor cost and all the other overhead costs. It showed me how Avery always expressed an interest in what other people did. It also showed me his interest in learning and how bright he was. He would come home often with an interesting tid bit to tell me about one of my co-workers that even I did not know. It just goes to show you how much Avery Garretson cared about other people and it did not matter who you were or where your came from.
Melissa Garretson Avery's Short Story December 28, 2012
By Avery Garretson 2005
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